through my senses -- most likely senseless

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What is permanent

well I'm going to get a bit philosophical in this blog. I have started to wonder as to why I'm leading my life like this... not in a disastrous manner but just why this way. when I left India 4 yrs back, I missed my family and friends a lot. then after some time I made new friends over here. Just when it started to get really wonderful, a couple of guys graduated and went back to India altogether. sometime passed before I moved back into a comfort zone with new friends, alas, I graduated this time. and that was really hard as I moved into a completely different area with none to talk to. even after a yr, its pretty much the same state. sports is my old and trusted friend that keeps me going, whatever it is. this summer was great though, as my sister is here for an internship at my company. but she is also leaving, and I'm back to square one --- stateless entity. looks like nothing is permanent, I wish me and all my friends had opted to stay in India itself, that too all in the same city. after all life would have been more happier.

I'm now hunting for activities to keep me occupied. LA is huge, I'm sure I will find something soon.


Blogger Chakra said...

hmmm.. it happens.

anyway, the bigger moral for the previous post cd possibly be a solution... but nothin guaranteed!

- Chakra.

1:11 AM  
Blogger saranyan r said...

I think apart from the bigger moral, having a lot of friends around is the best thing.

10:05 AM  

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