through my senses -- most likely senseless

Monday, November 01, 2004

voting machines in a developed country

as election day in US nears, we hear more and more about voting machine mal-functioning. this is really surprising and shocking too. we heard the same complaints 4 yrs back. hell, it even changed the future of the country, by making Bush the president in 2000. it will cost a few billion dollars in correcting/replacing these machines, and apparently that is what holding the change. but the iraq invasion had cost the country atleast 10 times more, so far.

another issue is voter intimidation, something similar to what we have in India. looks like all the claims of 'most-civilized and developed nation', by US is flatly false.

when a country like India, with a voting population of more than 300 million, can revolutionize the voting process in a decade, why can't US do it. maybe the politicians don't want to do it. after all its ruled by a person who didn't win the popular vote, nor had a strong mandate during his entire term.


Blogger Chakra said...

as u say, they don't want to change.. I heard that in US the voting system is not common across all the states.. i mean.. in some states u have got a kind of voting machine and some they use a different technology.. pathetic.

when i first voted in UK in 2001, I went to the booth more out of curiosity to see how the system works here.. to my shock they gave me the ballot paper & a pencil.. i just have to tick or circle against the voter of my choice.. :))

1:17 AM  
Blogger Aero Dillon said...

Your observation on voting machines muddle in U.S is on the dot.We know what happened in the election between techno-savy AlGore and War wielding Bush who ambushes everybody.U will be proud to know our writer Sujata(Rangarajan)when he was inBEL Ltd devised the present version of Electronic Voting Machine?Which is succesful. Parthakrishna

12:30 PM  

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