through my senses -- most likely senseless

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

what a scam ... water scam

last week I was complaining about gas prices ... a gallon is about $2 in california now. but just realised that water costs more than that. a gallon of mountain spring (?) water costs about $2.5, and that too only if you buy in bulk. damn man, a lot of californians buy bottled water which costs more than gasoline, and still bitch about gas prices. fortunately I'm one of the few souls that believes tap water is still potable :) this whole thing is a scam, water shouldn't cost this much. "better standard of living" would be the counter argument ... hmmmm
california buys water from its neighboring states. most of the lakes here are man made and big aqua ducts, again man made, carry water into these lakes and further into big cities like LA. I have seen these aqua ducts while driving along the inland. these are well maintained and pure enough for drinking purposes too. needless to say that these lakes are also used for recreational purposes, which reaps millions every yr. while seeing these, I'm only reminded of our 'original veeranam', 'modified veeranam', 'new modified veeranam'........... 'new veeranam' projects to bring water into chennai from veeranam lake (which is in the same state too) that is about 150 miles away. the original project was started about 35 yrs back. I guess even my kids won't see veeranam water in chennai :) (probably my parents made the same statement that time :))
again a major scam.


Blogger Chakra said...

abs true abt Veeranam... but don't say this aloud in TN.. already 'amma' is going around the town claiming veeranam water has reached chennai..

- Chakra.

1:19 AM  

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