Real Growth
This yr has been really good for India. we have started to export more than ever. naturally everyone has started to think if this kind of growth can be sustained. well, we can, only if we start seriously thinking about developing quality infrastructure. the roads in chennai, a hi-tec city, are nothing but a sore sight to the eyes. It takes atleast 30-45 mins to cover a distance of 5 miles. thats pathetic. and come summer, people will soon have to start drinking sea water. and a plan to provide long-lasting water supply to the city is still inactive for more than 30 yrs......
look at china, a country with more population than we do. they are now controlling the world market. most of the stuff we use come from china. to top it all, a chinese company has bought the entire PC business of IBM (yes IBM). needless to ask, their infrastructure is on par with Europe and US. all in a communist stronghold.
why do we fail to recognize basic needs. if this trend continues, soon we would be back to the state we were in early 90's.
"Get the basics right.. everything else wd follow" - this msg doesn't seem to reach the powers that be.
The problem is quick money. No one is concerned about creating a wealth economy that can derive a long standing bounty irrespective of the transitive trends of the world today. We want to profit first and then move on to the next big thing. We arent thinking about ploughing back those profits or even investing in long term requirements like infrastructure.
Creating a few IT parks does not solve the problem. It only diverts the focus. Fixing the roads, cleaning up the water system, establishing dependable energy resources (preferably non-depletable) and simplifying rules and norms and removing the red tape is really what is needed.
I should not be commenting on the post because I may tend to get too preachy. There is no substitute to building the foundation first. Empower the people And they will empower India. We should ideally be concentrating on the grasroots and try to start our development from there. Unfortunately, we are trying to build a Petronas tower on a shaky foundation...
I don't agree with you on China. let us see if you have the same view after you read "The Coming Collapse of China" by Gordon Chang. Read it to believe it :-)
Jagan, yeah we do tend to sensationalize unwanted stuff.
Chakra, Ranga - well said. we never learn from mistakes, do we.
Sudarshana, I'll read that book and lets see what I think after that. Is it available online?
It is available on Amazon.... Never checked whether I could read it online
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